Spotted gliders are distinguished by their wing-like membranes located along the hind legs, which are used for gliding and flying. These membranes come in various shades of oranges, reds, yellows, greens, and purples. The body is either blue or purple with dark-colored spots, and the forehead bears an orange crest. Spotted gliders have dexterous limbs, sharp claws, a long tail, and a sloped spine.

Spotted gliders are a terrestrial and an arboreal species, preferring covered habitats with ample space for performing their numerous flying maneuvers. They glide gracefully from tree trunk to tree trunk and branch to branch, picking off prey or evading mobile predators.
Spotted gliders are omnivores, consuming the fruit from umbrella trees and larval boreblasters.
Spotted gliders reproduce via sexual reproduction seasonally, in a time period that lasts up to three months. Spotted gliders are monogamous for the breeding season, with a male impressing one female through an exuberant mating display of tail tapping and rhythmic calling. Once impregnated, females will reject any form of courtship.
Spotted Gliders have a gestation period of 3 weeks, depositing eggs instead of living young on the undersides of Umbrella Tree leaves. Hatchlings will emerge after two weeks of development. The young immediately fend for themselves and will develop into adults rapidly, if they survive predation.
Spotted gliders can glide up to 50 m from a tree in a single leap.