Adults are distinctive by their medium body size and the large plates on their heads that allow them to feel vibrations. Although sonars have four eyes, their vision is poor. They rely primarily on their sensory plates to detect vibrations in their environment.

Sonars live in terrestrial habitats of Alluria, using the shade of the umbrella trees and other flora and fauna to hide themselves as they hunt.
Sonars eat flamsters and frogcats, using their sensory plates to track the movements of their prey during hunting.
Although sonars are fairly solitary creatures, they mate with one another frequently. Reproducing sexually, they use their plates to sense when a sonar of the opposite sex is nearby and will find one another to mate then isolate once again. Pregnancy lasts 4 months, typically resulting in the birth of 1-3 offspring. The female parent will feed her offspring until they reach about a month of age.
Sonars are masters of camouflage, moving slowly to mimic a boulder as they stalk prey. Upon closing in on a victim, a sonar pounces to deliver a piercing blow with its retractable spear-like appendages.