Razorwings have large wingspans, but are surprisingly light. Like all creatures on Sarcannus, they have six limbs, two of which have been modified into wings. They can easily be identified by the distinct humming sound produced by their wings as they hover. They display an unusual coloring pattern that can confuse stalkleapers causing a moment of opportunity for the razorwing to grapple its prey.

Razorwings fly among the sunstalk forest of Sarcannus. They can quickly dart between sunstalks and then hover in place while searching for their prey. They land in the canopy to rest and consume their prey.
Razorwings feed primarily on stalkleapers, but also consume other small organisms in the forest such as baby land eels. They grapple young and weak stalk leapers with their barbed tongue swallowing them whole.
Razorwings reproduce while flying in an elaborate mating ritual. They then deposit an egg-sac in the forest soil that contains between 10 and 15 eggs. They initially emerge as a wingless nymph form and eventually grow wings as they emerge into an adult form.
Razorwings can hover in place for up to several hours while waiting for stalkleapers to emerge from their azure pods.