Flamsters are known for their speed and agility. They primarily move by jumping from seed pod to seed pod in search of food. Their eyesight is incredibly keen, allowing them to determine from the first glance whether a seed is pristine enough for their choosy palates.

Flamsters live strictly on the forest floor, where they are often seen jumping throughout the vegetation in search of food.
Flamsters eat seeds of lyracs, being very picky about which seeds they consume. Often, they crack open a seed to eat and then discard it out of dissatisfaction. This behavior benefits lyracs, because discarded seeds can grow into a new plant.
Flamsters breed year round, and a single female can produce more than a hundred offspring in her life. Females deposit pre-fertilized eggs into the empty seed pods of flora, especially lyracs. These pods protect the eggs while they develop. After about two weeks, the eggs hatch, and small flamsters emerge, ready to care for themselves.
A flamster can jump more than 3 meters, or thirty times its body length!