
Scientific Name
Common Name
480 cm tall
5800 kg
Planet of Origin

The kolvock is a large organism characterized by their tough rocky hides and odd two-legged body plan. They blend into the rocky areas of Cadmus and can be indistinguishable from their surrounding environment The long snout of the kolvock houses a formidable mouth that can intake large amounts of organic matter.  Their tongue can extend well outside the mouth to acquire water from almost any source.


3d asset
Species Image
Image of Kolvock
180 Earth year(s)
Habitat Details

Kolvocks roams about the steppes of Cadmus and can survive in very arid environments with minimal access to water. 

Diet Details

Kolvocks are omnivores, eating a wide range of organic matter. They roam the steppe looking for carcasses, plant matter and anything they can eat. The large mouth of the kolvock is used for rummaging through dirt and digging up roots, swallowing bones and snapping up smaller organisms. These creatures have been nicknamed “garbage disposals.”

Reproduction Details

Little is known about the mating habits of the kolvock. It’s been observed that females will dig a nest in which they lay about 30 eggs.

Interesting Fact

Kolvocks are one of the oldest and longest-living creatures on Cadmus with a genetic line that spans tens of millions of years. They are virtually unchanged from a morphological standpoint and therefore adaptable to rapid environmental shifts.